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Affirmations to Boost Confidence in Children

In recent years, mental health has become a significant issue for society. People understand now that it is important to care for the mind as well as for the physical body. As a parent, one of the best things you can do for your child is raise them to be happy, strong and independent. In order to achieve that, they need to carry themselves with confidence, believe they can do anything they put their mind to, and know their worth. That is what affirmations are for.

What are affirmations?

Essentially, they are statements used to develop a positive mindset followed by results. In order for them to be effective, affirmations should always be phrased in a positive way, mind the repetition. That means nowhere in the statement should there be a word of negative connotation. For instance, if you’re looking for an affirmation to overcome your fearsfor not being scared, instead of saying “I’m not afraid” phrase it as “I’m brave.”

Why should children use affirmations?

Being a kid implies going through changes, and feeling emotions or having thoughts that are not easy to understand. As parents, it is our responsibility to tackle these types of issues in order to help them develop a self-loving mindset. Affirmations can help them voice whatever is troubling them, and at the same time build up their self-esteem by warding the mind from negativity or self-deprecation.

When to say affirmations

There is no better or worse time of the day, affirmations can be said at any place at any time. Creating a routine depends on each person. However, I find them to be more effective in the morning as part of the ritual of getting ready for school, since it makes the kids start the day with a smile, and a positive attitude. You could also say them before going to bed as a way of setting the mind for the next day. Or even better, both in the morning, and at night.

Have your kid look at themself in the mirror and say the affirmations out loud. Usually, they start with the pronoun I, and are mostly conjugated in the present tense, though the future tense is also acceptable. Remember the statements should always be phrased in a positive way. This could also be a perfect moment for bonding with your child, so you can take this opportunity to say some affirmations of your own as well.

Put into practice

  1. I am happy

  2. I am smart

  3. I am valid

  4. My opinion matters

  5. I believe in myself

  6. I love myself

  7. I will pass my exams

  8. I can do anything

  9. I am strong

  10. I am proud of myself

  11. I am loved

  12. I am talented

  13. I am unstoppable

  14. I have the best of friends

  15. My problems have solutions

Following this formula, the possibilities are endless. You can make up a new affirmation for any emotion, goal, or situation you want to assess. Remember: the more you repeat them, the more effective they’ll be.

Start using affirmations today, and let me know how they worked out! Does your kid have a favourite one? Share one of your affirmations in the comments, so we can help each other out!


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1 comentário

Rodrigo Paz
Rodrigo Paz
21 de mar.


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